Barbaros Hayreddin Sultanın Fermanı With English Subtitles
Suleiman the Magnificent commissions Barbaros Hayreddin to support the conquest of Rome. He tells him to introduce spies among the Franks. Before this task, he asks him to appoint a deputy in Algeria and settle with his family in Payet.
The news reaches Captain Kamankesh Pasha of the Ottoman Navy that the Sultan has met Hayreddin. He still suspects this meeting. I wonder why the sultan wanted to meet with barbaros Hai al-Din?
Barbaros Hayreddin Sultanın Fermanı With English Subtitles
King Charles V and King Francois are also competing to rule Rome. The Pope says whoever captures Barbarus Hyrdin will become Holy Roman Emperor. Andrea Doria is the only one who can defeat Barbarus Hairdin. They both want to recruit Admiral Andrea Doria and need to find money to do so. But it is not so easy.
Barbaros Hayeddin immediately takes action to create a spy organization. Unbeknownst to each other, both King Charles V and Hem al-Din seek help from Mia de Luna for different purposes.
Berat Özdoğan is the director of this series, which is distinguished by its strong actors.
The screenplay was written by Zülküf Yücel.
Haydin learns that an ambassador will be sent to the palace of Charles V. This is a great opportunity to infiltrate the palace of Charles V for the task he received from the Sultan.
Because of this, Saleh Rais and Kandili Bulbul kidnap the ambassador and take his place. Andrea advises her spy Murad to stay close to the Barbaros family.
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Kamankesh Ahmed Pasha is very impressed by Ciara and despite his mother’s objections, he will try to meet her again. While Hayreddin plans to secretly meet Sultan Suleiman, he is ambushed. Can he escape from this ambush?